Many of you have been involved with making this project a huge success.  This is an updated look at our Oak Hollow meeting room.  It's really quite amazing when you see where the old wall is and how many people we "fit" in there, and it is so nice to have appropriate room now.  It will be fun to see Fridays of summer, when all the campers and most of their parents will be in there, and have room for them.  As you can see, there is beautiful tongue and groove wood, new lights, sound, a higher and deeper stage... Also with the roof being so high, we have a great utility room on the right side (So needed), and a new conference room on the left.  This is the year-round place that holds almost all chapel times for camps, retreats and groups.  It's a place where over the years, there have been countless stories of kids driving a stake in their spiritual lives to live for the Lord.  I gotta share one of the coolest stories for some of us that were in the back of a chapel session a couple years ago...  The speaker was presenting the Gospel and inviting kids to respond to it by praying after him.  Normally it's assumed that the response would be quietly to oneself.  Well this time you could hear a young voice loudly and boldly repeating that prayer.  To this camper it didn't matter who else was there, if anyone was listening, or anything else.  He stepped boldly into the kingdom that day.  What an honor it was and is to be part of that... witnessing kids come to Christ.  We very much appreciate everything and everyone that is part of this kind of project.  From giving so generously to pounding nails, and all of it wrapped in prayer.  Thank you , thank you!  I wish you could all be a fly on the wall to see what we get to see.  It really puts things into perspective to see how God uses a room or a building for more than a room or a building.