The other day, we had the chance to help another camp and demonstrate how the body of Christ works.  The camp is Inspiration Point, they are on a point (in the name) and have had rising water to where they can no longer run camp.  They have fortunately acquired some amazing land and buildings (cool long story) and are moving to that site to do camp this summer.  So anyway, we knew this was coming and offered help, felt like it was the least we could do.  

Many people don't know this, but camp people from most Christian camps in the state and surrounding area hang out at least once a year.  We share ideas, hang out and learn about our craft.  So we have become pretty good friends over the years.  We all have the same mission, to share the Gospel.  We just do it in completely different ways, styles and settings.  So it was a no brainer to help for the day.  We brought a bunch of people, trucks, trailers and happy hearts and moved a ton of stuff to the new site.  They have been doing so much work to get ready and are looking pretty good for the summer.  

So anyway, the point of this is not to toot our own horn or something, but to give a glimpse into the world camping people and how we get along and not compete.  Pray for them and for their ministry in this transition!